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Goodbye Tobias and Recent Lectures

Last week we said goodbye to our lab member Tobias, who is still working on further constructions of the recent "Click-Bait" Study. He spent a year with us at Indiana University with a post-doc fellowship and is now back in Belgium. He is missed!

Tobias left with these thoughts: "If Baudelaire is right that "les vrais voyageurs sont ceux-là seuls qui partent pour partir", I'm sure that sooner rather than later 'je reviendrai pour revenir'."

We will look forward to continued collaboration with Tobias.

We've also had many visitors over the past of couple of weeks.

Christian Metz, a visiting faculty member at Cornell University, gave a lecture entitled "Narratology of Blurriness," which invited a lively discussion of possible areas of blurriness in literature, especially in the Bible, Metz's main literary example.

Coming all the way from Ghent University, Marco Caracciolo was our next visitor and he discussed "Metaphor in Anthropocene Fiction: Narrative Beyond the Human Scale." He is starting a humanities-like lab of his own and working on the question of how narratives and narratives thinking change our world in its complexity.

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©2017 by Experimental Humanities Lab.

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