Goodbye Tobias and Recent LecturesLast week we said goodbye to our lab member Tobias, who is still working on further constructions of the recent "Click-Bait" Study. He...
Cognitive Bias and Empathy in the NewsFall has hit Bloomington with weekend rain and finally a few colored leaves, which we're taking as indicators to continue working on...
The German Election, Empathy in Robots, Australian Panels, and the Prague ConferenceIt has been a month since school has resumed and the lab is buzzing with work! On August 7th, Professor Breithaupt co-authored an article...
"Ende der Knappheit: Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Leere": Secular narratives in the contemporWas passiert, wenn Knappheit selber knapp wird? Wir erleben derzeit das Ende der Narrationen, die unsere aufgeklärte Demokratie und...
EIN LEHRER FÜR MICH ALLEIN. The Future of Learning.Das Lernen wird sich dramatisch verändern. Maßgeschneiderte Computerprogramme ersetzen den herkömmlichen Unterricht. Großartig, oder?
Lab on YouTubeUndergraduate Research: IU College of Arts & Sciences undergraduate students Sarah Whaley and Ellie Brower team up with Fritz Breithaupt,...